Mollie Hoopes

Mollie Hoopes

Pronouns She/Her

Mollie (She/ Hers) is originally from Hanover, New Hampshire and started working as Residential Director at Northeastern in February of 2022. She graduated from Bates College in 2018 with a degree in Sociology and Education. During her time at Bates College, Mollie worked in the Lewison (Maine) Public Schools tutoring English Language Learners (ELL) and supporting students in the learning disability program. Additionally, Mollie served as co-president of the Bates chapter of Active Minds, a student mental health advocacy club, and completed her senior thesis on the mental health experiences of first year college students. Mollie’s experiences as an undergraduate student spurred her to get her Master of Social Work, from Boston College, with a focus on mental health and education justice for traditionally marginalized communities. Mollie is passionate about providing spaces where students can build relationships rooted in authenticity and respect. Mollie career goal is to support the creation of programs that encourage college completion and career success for traditionally underrepresented populations.

Fun Fact: Mollie attended a ski academy (xc-skiing) for high school where her graduating class was 19 people! In her free time Mollie loves to trail run, drink good coffee and most importantly spend time with close friends and family.

CIE Black
Sara Rivera
Anne “Dunni” Sodipo